Well, that was considerably easier than she thought a few minutes ago. Definitely not a conformist, then. Saturn was going to be so jealous if she ever relayed the tale of her afternoon. Not only did she get to chat with Captain Darrow, but she also now had an open invitation to visit him? Saturn might even try to impersonate her to go to the flat himself, if only to see his hero in the flesh.
Jo pocketed the scrap of paper without taking much note of the headline or the address scribbled down. Later, she could scrutinize the area he resided in and the swirls of his script. For now, Jo was content to keep conversing for however long they chose to stay.
"And how do you know that I'm not?" Jo jokingly asked. It was obvious by her mock offense that the thought hadn't- and would never - cross her mind. She was many things, but she was no thief. "Don't worry. I will definitely send warning. Last thing I want is to have to answer questions from a curious flatmate. My family is generally accepting of my oddities, but I think even they might draw the line there if they knew." Tiffany Smith, especially. It was definitely best to keep rumors of her antics to a minimum.
Jo pocketed the scrap of paper without taking much note of the headline or the address scribbled down. Later, she could scrutinize the area he resided in and the swirls of his script. For now, Jo was content to keep conversing for however long they chose to stay.
"And how do you know that I'm not?" Jo jokingly asked. It was obvious by her mock offense that the thought hadn't- and would never - cross her mind. She was many things, but she was no thief. "Don't worry. I will definitely send warning. Last thing I want is to have to answer questions from a curious flatmate. My family is generally accepting of my oddities, but I think even they might draw the line there if they knew." Tiffany Smith, especially. It was definitely best to keep rumors of her antics to a minimum.