Emotional? Had that been in the draft he'd given her or was she just now realizing how vague it seemed? It wasn't as though she had any intention of seeking out the attentions of another man - not that she had Tiberius' but he could keep them anyway - but what if somehow she accidentally befriended in a very platonic fashion a member of the opposite sex and then dropped dead? What if it happened without her realizing? He had to mean of a romantic sort but what if by wording it extended to anything beyond an acquaintance? What could she possibly say now to point this out and avoid an untimely demise? Was it already too late? What happened if she didn't voice her agreement to it, would the spell not bind? She was also aware that staying silent after that wouldn't exactly go down well.
Panic was rising in her chest and she realized there had been a long delay since he'd spoken. She dug her fingernails into the arm of the chair and stared at her husband, wide-eyed and tense.
Panic was rising in her chest and she realized there had been a long delay since he'd spoken. She dug her fingernails into the arm of the chair and stared at her husband, wide-eyed and tense.