Truthfully, Jo didn't believe he walked the line of English propriety before offering her suggestion. Someone who had traveled as much as he generally wasn't the sort to attend Society functions or operate as though he belonged. Whether his traveling nature stemmed from a similar love of exploring like she or something as simple as not having anything else to do, Captain Darrow was too worldly to conform to these strict rules. Or at least that's what Jo believed before his non-answer.
Her interest in him diminished slightly at the realization. She understood why those who hadn't experienced any other cultures conformed so strictly, for they knew nothing else. How was one meant to hold opposing beliefs if they were entirely unaware such beliefs existed? It didn't fit that he cared what their peers thought of him...unless...
Unless England was where he felt as though he belonged and he was just reluctant to admit it.
Well. That was a disappointment.
"Will you be leading any other expeditions soon?" Jo asked casually. Not because she wished to join him, but simply because her disappointment didn't yet outweigh her desire to relate to a fellow traveler. Saturn already knew all her stories, a new friend was always appreciated.
Her interest in him diminished slightly at the realization. She understood why those who hadn't experienced any other cultures conformed so strictly, for they knew nothing else. How was one meant to hold opposing beliefs if they were entirely unaware such beliefs existed? It didn't fit that he cared what their peers thought of him...unless...
Unless England was where he felt as though he belonged and he was just reluctant to admit it.
Well. That was a disappointment.
"Will you be leading any other expeditions soon?" Jo asked casually. Not because she wished to join him, but simply because her disappointment didn't yet outweigh her desire to relate to a fellow traveler. Saturn already knew all her stories, a new friend was always appreciated.