March 1st, 1890 — Slytherin Table, Great Hall
@'Adrienne Selwyn'
One of the things that Aristide always conveniently ignored was the fact that he and his sister were technically supposed to be eating their breakfast at different tables. Sometimes he did sit at Ravenclaw table but just as regularly, he invaded the Slytherin one. If people took issue, they knew by now to just let it go. For no matter what they said, Aristide would be unlikely to budge if he happened to take notice of them at all.@'Adrienne Selwyn'
"Did anything strange happen to you yesterday?" Aristide asked curiously, barely even having to check to make sure that he was plopping down next to the correct head of sandy auburn hair. He would have known it was her beside him even if he were to be suddenly blinded. "From the time effects that rippled from America, I mean." He had only heard about that after the strange incident with his arrow and the fox.

set by MJ!