Full Name: Octavia Brynn MalfoyNicknames: Brynn
Birthdate: November 23rd, 1866
Current Age: 23 Years
Occupation: Debutante
Reputation: 9.
Brynn was known as a bit of a brat in the past.Residence: Malfoy Estate (English Countryside)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: holly, 10", solid, single dragon heartstring
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper Class
Family: Barnabas Malfoy | Father | 1814
Gwenaelle Malfoy née Pierce | Mother | 1831
Gaius Malfoy | Brother | 1854
--Celeste Malfoy née Avery | Sister-in-Law | 1862-1882
------Serpentine Malfoy | Niece | 1882
--November Malfoy née Crouch | Sister-in-Law | 1863
------Callistus Bryn Malfoy | Nephew
------Flavius Aldous Malfoy | Nephew
Cassandra Rowle née Malfoy | Sister | 1862-1884
------Jocasta Rowle | Niece | 1883
Appearance: Brynn is average height for the women of the era, around 5 feet 3 inches. She has the pride of wanting to wear whatever is considered most fashionable at the time, and usually gets her way with that. She always wears her hair up, and she is rather fond of fashionable hats. She uses her right hand as her wand hand
1866: Brynn is born the youngest of the Malfoy brood, and rather than being called Octavia is usually addressed as Brynn.
1871: Brynn's first use of accidental magic, while throwing a tantrum, sees her hovering up to her home's ceiling. She is quickly retrieved.
1873: Brynn's older brother, Gaius, leaves the house. She doesn't want him to go, and doesn't know why he has to go, and yells about it. To make things worse, Cassandra goes off to Hogwarts, leaving Brynn alone with her parents. Perhaps it won't be so bad after all.
1876: Brynn copes with her loneliness by bothering her parents for a pet, which she receives in the form of a snowy white kitten called Alistair.
1878: Brynn finally goes to Hogwarts, and is quietly thrilled to be sorted as a Slytherin. Her classmates do not take to her nearly as well as she could have hoped, especially the ones Brynn deems lesser than herself.
1880: Brynn attends her older brother's wedding in the summer, and adds Earth Magic and Ancient Runes to her schedule for class in the fall.
1881: This year, Brynn attends Cassandra's wedding. She begins to daydream about her own.
1882: Brynn becomes an aunt to Serpentine, but loses her sister-in-law in the process.
1883: At the end of her fifth year, Brynn succeeds in achieving all the OWLs she decides will be necessary in her life as a wife, but her parents keep her in school so she can earn her NEWTs as well, and possibly to temper her temper. Her second niece is born, Jocasta Rowle.
1884: Cassandra dies of the Laughing Plague.
1885: Brynn graduates from Hogwarts, and gets to attend her brother's second wedding. She hopes this bride will last longer than the first.
1886: Brynn's first nephew, Callistus Malfoy, is born. She is particularly proud of his middle name, and lets her older brother know as much.
1887: Brynn's second nephew, Flavius Malfoy, is born. This one doesn't have a great middle name, but she can't fault him. The good ones were already taken. She begins courting a kind man of her status, with wealth and pure blood.
1888: Brynn becomes engaged during the Christmas season. Finally!
March 1889: Just one month before she is to have her dream wedding, her husband passes away in a rather dramatic fashion. Brynn goes into mourning.
1890: Now that a year has passed, Brynn is once more onto the scene, but not in a way that would prove scandalous. She hopes for a quick match, now that she is almost 24 and not yet married.
Personality: Brynn is a traditionalist, and believes firmly in blood purity and that women remain in the home. She has a particular way of doing things, and was considered a bit bratty in the past, something she has since outgrown. She follows her family's traditions, and usually wants things to remain the same. She shows compassion for children and pets, especially her now geriatric cat Alistair.
Sample Roleplay Post:
Name: MegaraAge: 18
Contact: PM
Other Characters: Albus Dumbledore
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