What business he had getting defensive she didn't know. There were plenty of less permanent options he might have resorted to but no. That was ancient history now though, it still aggravated her but it was an old wound that usually only flared up when it inconvenienced her. She might have pushed back on the matter too had he not gone on to imply that she was in some way attached to their unborn child. He had to be set straight.
"I'm not determined to keep it, I'm determined to make sure you're absolutely certain about it! If we were to see what came of it then my sister would be insurance of a sort. We'd be twice as likely to get the desired result that way." She'd be quite happy to leave it up to someone else to risk their neck for his heir but what if this happened again? He'd probably avoid her room at night like he was at risk of catching dragonpox from her after this, but if he didn't then it couldn't be ruled out that they'd be back here again at some point. "And don't pretend like my death will solve anything, you'll have to wait even longer to get what you want and, most of all, you'll miss me." She smirked as she said the latter part but it was a slight haughty, knowing smirk and for once not entirely spiteful.
"I'm not determined to keep it, I'm determined to make sure you're absolutely certain about it! If we were to see what came of it then my sister would be insurance of a sort. We'd be twice as likely to get the desired result that way." She'd be quite happy to leave it up to someone else to risk their neck for his heir but what if this happened again? He'd probably avoid her room at night like he was at risk of catching dragonpox from her after this, but if he didn't then it couldn't be ruled out that they'd be back here again at some point. "And don't pretend like my death will solve anything, you'll have to wait even longer to get what you want and, most of all, you'll miss me." She smirked as she said the latter part but it was a slight haughty, knowing smirk and for once not entirely spiteful.