"This isn't that." She said equally as passionately as he. "I wasn't going to tell you because this is a horrendously sad decision - one that I've been turning over and over struggling with. Didn't you stress only a few weeks ago how there were only two sorts of couples who eloped?! Those who loved one another and those who were pregnant? Which one have you been pushing us towards? Which one was I to wreck myself over living?!" She stood from the table to resume her earlier pacing. The tears she had an already fragile hold on slipped down her cheeks as she ranted.
Melody stood to face him, her feet freezing a few feet away from him as she more calmly said, "I wasn't going to tell you because I was trying to spare you. Not because I wasn't thinking of you."
Melody stood to face him, her feet freezing a few feet away from him as she more calmly said, "I wasn't going to tell you because I was trying to spare you. Not because I wasn't thinking of you."