Mr. Darrow was right, of course. The fog had cast such a negative light on Egypt that Tiffany Smith frequently requested her two traveler children to avoid the country as a whole. And though such a request wouldn't be enough to keep her from visiting should the opportunity arise (to explore those tombs was a dream of hers), she hadn't yet pursued any adventures that might lead there either. In Jo's experience, artifacts were usually a double edged sword. For where there was something new to discover there was also something new to fear.
"The goodness comes from every day magic. From simple magic like a cleaning charm and the likes. Most people don't have a need for continued positivity as there's always more to be found. Think of it this way, in any given situation we're more likely to remember a negative event than a positive. An example being your misadventure in South America. Surely, it wasn't bad in its entirety. You might have shared jokes with a friend or been excited to learn from the natives, but that isn't what we're prone to remember." Jo had stopped walking as she explained. The decision to use his life altering experience as an example was likely going to backfire on her, but it was the first thought to spring to mind.
"Magic is very much the same. I couldn't tell you about the countless good spells I know off hand, but I could easily relay the bad. Such a flaw doesn't belong strictly to magical societies. It's simply a trait of humanity." She blushed slighly at the end of her tangent. Flirting and conversations about anything else really were second nature to her. Sharing life philosophies with a man she met only minutes prior was a little out of her depths. "You can't go into it with the expectation that those before us were a better sort." She said lastly.
"The goodness comes from every day magic. From simple magic like a cleaning charm and the likes. Most people don't have a need for continued positivity as there's always more to be found. Think of it this way, in any given situation we're more likely to remember a negative event than a positive. An example being your misadventure in South America. Surely, it wasn't bad in its entirety. You might have shared jokes with a friend or been excited to learn from the natives, but that isn't what we're prone to remember." Jo had stopped walking as she explained. The decision to use his life altering experience as an example was likely going to backfire on her, but it was the first thought to spring to mind.
"Magic is very much the same. I couldn't tell you about the countless good spells I know off hand, but I could easily relay the bad. Such a flaw doesn't belong strictly to magical societies. It's simply a trait of humanity." She blushed slighly at the end of her tangent. Flirting and conversations about anything else really were second nature to her. Sharing life philosophies with a man she met only minutes prior was a little out of her depths. "You can't go into it with the expectation that those before us were a better sort." She said lastly.