Already this was disastrous. The past week had seen a break in the constant tension surrounding them. The great divide between them at night had lessened enough to where Melody could hold his hand if she so chose. To lose all that now because of yet another potion was reason enough to weep. Never mind what she was hoping the potion would do.
Melody hesitantly moved towards the table and placed the vial in the center. "It's what I was researching," she started quietly. The next words felt impossible to say aloud. In fact, thinking of it now, Melody hadn't yet spoken the truth. The potioneer had known without her explanation what she was after, and that was the only person who knew still. She swallowed thickly, the tears she'd been battling threatened to spill.
This wasn't how Ben ought to have found out about his child.
"I need you to understand I didn't seek this out because of any doubts in you. If anything, you're the only reason I haven't yet taken it." She explained frantically. Then, after a long drawn out moment of silence she pressed on in a near whisper, "I have reason to suspect I'm - we're expecting. The potion is meant to cause a miscarriage."
![[Image: dqAG6wz.png]](
beautiful set by mj
Melody hesitantly moved towards the table and placed the vial in the center. "It's what I was researching," she started quietly. The next words felt impossible to say aloud. In fact, thinking of it now, Melody hadn't yet spoken the truth. The potioneer had known without her explanation what she was after, and that was the only person who knew still. She swallowed thickly, the tears she'd been battling threatened to spill.
This wasn't how Ben ought to have found out about his child.
"I need you to understand I didn't seek this out because of any doubts in you. If anything, you're the only reason I haven't yet taken it." She explained frantically. Then, after a long drawn out moment of silence she pressed on in a near whisper, "I have reason to suspect I'm - we're expecting. The potion is meant to cause a miscarriage."
![[Image: dqAG6wz.png]](
beautiful set by mj