Tiberius blinked at her, not sure what she was getting at. Of course there were choices. There were nearly countless ways to deal with such things. Potions, spells, physical adjustments. He didn't know any off the top of his head, but that was only because he hadn't been looking. He'd researched it in the past, when he'd tried to kill what he'd thought was a superfluous daughter in her womb without her knowledge. There were no end to methods.
"Of course there are choices," he told her. Though, now that he thought about it, one seemed superior to all others, in terms of risk and reward. "Your animagus form might do it. I haven't seen any research on the subject, but it's said a female werewolf can't carry a baby to term. It can't handle the transformation. That would be simple and probably painless."
"Of course there are choices," he told her. Though, now that he thought about it, one seemed superior to all others, in terms of risk and reward. "Your animagus form might do it. I haven't seen any research on the subject, but it's said a female werewolf can't carry a baby to term. It can't handle the transformation. That would be simple and probably painless."