Tiberius listened, but didn't connect all of the dots in what she was saying, at least not right away. His mind was still on this scheme revolving her sister, and so he wondered if there was some backstory he was missing regarding Ligeia and some healers. Nothing came to mind, though, and really, it would have been absurd of her to think that he would care about her sister enough to remember some minuscule detail like that. Unless she was literally dead, it didn't bear any impact on his life — and even death was only significant insofar as he would be expected to attend the funeral.
No, that couldn't be what she was referring to. What healers was she talking about, then? Wrong about what? The last time he'd had any significant interaction with healers had been when she'd delivered — Oh.
"What?" he asked, not willing to jump to conclusions with something so entirely unexpected.
No, that couldn't be what she was referring to. What healers was she talking about, then? Wrong about what? The last time he'd had any significant interaction with healers had been when she'd delivered — Oh.
"What?" he asked, not willing to jump to conclusions with something so entirely unexpected.