Tig inhaled and exhaled deeply as her eyes bored into him. She folded her arms across her chest. Here it was, the moment she'd been dreading for the better part of two days. She didn't have to tell the truth, she could make something up quickly. It was futile though, it wasn't as though she could sit on it for much longer anyway. "It would seem the healers were wrong." Don't make me spell it out.
She didn't think it was all bad, there was a chance it would all go swimmingly and no contingency plan would be needed, but even with her limited knowledge of biology she wasn't willing to assume that everything was functioning correctly just because some of it was. Never mind what the end result was if they got there.
She didn't think it was all bad, there was a chance it would all go swimmingly and no contingency plan would be needed, but even with her limited knowledge of biology she wasn't willing to assume that everything was functioning correctly just because some of it was. Never mind what the end result was if they got there.