Why was he so hung up on her sister? What did he care what happened to her? Tig's mouth opened and closed and opened again as she found herself lost for a response. Her sister hadn't done anything, she just was. They had always had a turbulent relationship being so much closer in age than they were with their eldest sister, but it wasn't as though Ligeia had actively done anything to her. Well, not exactly anyway. She drew herself up a little where she sat as she found a reason."She's the older sister, she should have married first. She should've gotten you. I should've had the liberty to choose for myself, I damned well wouldn't have been as useless. She got what I wanted and she's wasted it." She didn't feel as vitriolic as she'd expected, not so much for lack of grudge towards her sister, but possibly she didn't regret where she'd ended up as much as she'd used to. "You're lucky you got me instead, Ligeia's a bore." That was as close as she'd get to admitting to it.
"If you think about it, in a way, she owes me." Tig shrugged and studied his face for a clue as to what he was thinking. "Don't you like my idea? You seemed awfully impatient to get an heir after what happened..."
"If you think about it, in a way, she owes me." Tig shrugged and studied his face for a clue as to what he was thinking. "Don't you like my idea? You seemed awfully impatient to get an heir after what happened..."