"It's a magical card game," Ben explained, indicating the deck with a wave of his hand. That it was most often played with copious amounts of drinking, and that it was in a bar that he'd first encountered this particular game, he left out. He wasn't planning on drinking with his wife anytime soon. It wasn't so much that he didn't trust her (though he didn't), but more that he didn't trust himself to not do something stupid with a few less inhibitions.
"You start with five cards and the goal is to play them all before the other person plays theirs. You can play a card if it has the same shape or color as the last card played," he explained, flipping one card over from the top of the deck to demonstrate. Each had one of four symbols in each corner of the card, and a plain colored border between symbols. "The magical part is that each card has a question on it. When you play it, everyone at the table has to answer the question or draw a card. So it's a pretty quick game if you're talking... and pretty long if you don't," he said with a noncommittal shrug. "I thought that we might — uh — well, we should know more about each other," he said, cheeks coloring slightly. "Before we head home."

MJ made this <3
"You start with five cards and the goal is to play them all before the other person plays theirs. You can play a card if it has the same shape or color as the last card played," he explained, flipping one card over from the top of the deck to demonstrate. Each had one of four symbols in each corner of the card, and a plain colored border between symbols. "The magical part is that each card has a question on it. When you play it, everyone at the table has to answer the question or draw a card. So it's a pretty quick game if you're talking... and pretty long if you don't," he said with a noncommittal shrug. "I thought that we might — uh — well, we should know more about each other," he said, cheeks coloring slightly. "Before we head home."

MJ made this <3