He was being negative but he was at least probing for more details and she was only too ready to supply him until he changed his tune. "We could make up a foreign suitor, you could use polyjuice potion when necessary and I can write love letters to her. She thinks she's in love, there's a quick wedding, maybe he goes away for long periods of time and leaves her here. Minimal effort, it's all letters. She has a child and she's lead to believe it died. If it's a girl then it doesn't even have to be a lie. If it's a boy then that's that. Ligeia might conveniently die in childbirth. Or perhaps she doesn't if you want another one. And that's just one way."
Her other ideas relied heavily on magical interference, this way was possibly the kindest since Ligeia would be walking into it of her own volition, albeit unknowingly. However in making up for the magical coercion it required more effort, she thought. Not that catfishing her own sister with fake love letters seemed like a chore to her, if he absolutely refused the idea she might do that part anyway just to mess with her. "Or you could teach me how to use the imperius curse properly and publicly fake her death until it doesn't have to be fake anymore."
Her other ideas relied heavily on magical interference, this way was possibly the kindest since Ligeia would be walking into it of her own volition, albeit unknowingly. However in making up for the magical coercion it required more effort, she thought. Not that catfishing her own sister with fake love letters seemed like a chore to her, if he absolutely refused the idea she might do that part anyway just to mess with her. "Or you could teach me how to use the imperius curse properly and publicly fake her death until it doesn't have to be fake anymore."