Tig prepared herself to assert her grand ideas thinking that he was about to shut her down. Then he didn't and with a question she hadn't expected from him nonetheless. She laughed derisively, "I'm sure she'd hate it but that's hardly relevant!" There was no scenario she'd thought out that involved Ligeia willingly cooperating with any of it, she was so certain that her sister would object that the very idea of asking seemed ridiculous and nonsensical. Why ask when it was a foregone conclusion? Ligeia would cooperate because she'd either be oblivious or she'd be cooperative through magic.
"There are plenty of ways to avoid a scandal, it depends how much effort you'd want to put into it. Faking a marriage would probably be the most convenient; society thinks she's moved abroad with a husband when really she's hidden away somewhere." The scandal part wasn't so much for Ligeia's benefit as her own, why invite potential scrutiny on herself for her association when it was avoidable? Tig was so immersed in her spiteful plans that she had momentarily forgotten the development that had prompted her to think of it in the first place.
"There are plenty of ways to avoid a scandal, it depends how much effort you'd want to put into it. Faking a marriage would probably be the most convenient; society thinks she's moved abroad with a husband when really she's hidden away somewhere." The scandal part wasn't so much for Ligeia's benefit as her own, why invite potential scrutiny on herself for her association when it was avoidable? Tig was so immersed in her spiteful plans that she had momentarily forgotten the development that had prompted her to think of it in the first place.