With Tiberius on one side and Tatiana on the other, she felt like a criminal being escorted to the gallows. Upon reflection, she supposed that it was a more apt description than she realized. She had provoked her husband's ire and now she was being put in line with a suspended death sentence. Even had her pride allowed her to fall to her knees and beg for a less permanent and deadly alternative, she highly doubted she'd be appeased.
Tig took her seat opposite Tiberius and with a heavy heart, extended her hand for him to take. She noticed his smile and while it didn't look like a sneer, she was fairly confident it was a sign he was taking pleasure in the proceedings. Needless to say, she did not smile back, if anything her expression soured. Tatiana of course already her wand out; clearly she was as eager as he was.
Tig took her seat opposite Tiberius and with a heavy heart, extended her hand for him to take. She noticed his smile and while it didn't look like a sneer, she was fairly confident it was a sign he was taking pleasure in the proceedings. Needless to say, she did not smile back, if anything her expression soured. Tatiana of course already her wand out; clearly she was as eager as he was.