She was, predictably, understandably, worried, regardless of the brave face she was trying to put on. He had, after all, been able to read her like a book since their days studying together in the Ravenclaw tower. But did she know?
Wincing a the pain of doing so, he extended his less-bandaged arm to take her hand.
"I'm sorry to have frightened you," Ephraim answered, mirroring her forced levity. "I shall endeavor not to do so again."
But he could make no promises on that score.
Wincing a the pain of doing so, he extended his less-bandaged arm to take her hand.
"I'm sorry to have frightened you," Ephraim answered, mirroring her forced levity. "I shall endeavor not to do so again."
But he could make no promises on that score.

— MJ is pretty nifty @ graphics, if I do say so myself! —