Alfred had very little idea why he was here. He was fairly certain that this hadn't been mentioned to him at all before he'd departed England (although, to be fair, sometimes when Evander spoke about things that were dull he just sort of... didn't hear them). He certainly hadn't gotten a letter about it. The most information on the subject that he'd received since his chance run-in with Evander today was that:
1) there was something to be done at the solicitor's;
2) whatever it was apparently required the both of them;
3) Evander was annoyed at him.
Alfred wasn't sure he had ever been to a solicitor. He wasn't even properly sure what they did, outside of defending people from criminal charges — which was, if he knew his brother at all, very likely not why they were here. But if there was some mundane piece of business that Evander needed seen to and it needed a solicitor, why did Alfred have to come? Surely, whatever it was would only be sped along by his not being their to impede its progress. And Alfred had plenty of things to do, as well — it wasn't as though he had chosen to come back to port on a whim, and he was quite eager to be off again as soon as this whole business with the chest was resolved — which meant that he was quite eager to take the necessary steps to resolve it, instead of getting dragged along to do Merlin-only-knew-what.
The first thirty seconds at the office did absolutely nothing to clear up in his mind what it was they were doing there. The solicitor was introducing them to a child, Evander was re-introducing them (for what purpose? Alfred would never understand his brother) and this little redhead was gawping at them as though they were only half-human.
"I'm sorry," he said with some exasperation. "Who is this?"

MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
2) whatever it was apparently required the both of them;
3) Evander was annoyed at him.
Alfred wasn't sure he had ever been to a solicitor. He wasn't even properly sure what they did, outside of defending people from criminal charges — which was, if he knew his brother at all, very likely not why they were here. But if there was some mundane piece of business that Evander needed seen to and it needed a solicitor, why did Alfred have to come? Surely, whatever it was would only be sped along by his not being their to impede its progress. And Alfred had plenty of things to do, as well — it wasn't as though he had chosen to come back to port on a whim, and he was quite eager to be off again as soon as this whole business with the chest was resolved — which meant that he was quite eager to take the necessary steps to resolve it, instead of getting dragged along to do Merlin-only-knew-what.
The first thirty seconds at the office did absolutely nothing to clear up in his mind what it was they were doing there. The solicitor was introducing them to a child, Evander was re-introducing them (for what purpose? Alfred would never understand his brother) and this little redhead was gawping at them as though they were only half-human.
"I'm sorry," he said with some exasperation. "Who is this?"

MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER