Ben reached up and shook the remaining debris out of his hair. "Well, you should try it more often, you've a good sense of humor about you, mate." He responded, coughing into his sleeve again as a small poof of dust emitted off his person. So that meant that the boy was often seen as quiet. Perhaps he was just used to being quiet. In his experience (as much experience as he could have at this age) that quiet people didn't have this kind of humor.
His eyes followed the boy's down to his ankle and he tapped it gingerly on the ground as if he were testing it. "I don't know," he mused, putting more weight on it. It twinged a bit, but perhaps it wasn't something that needed immediate attention. "I reckon I'd be able to do without some bandages for a few hours or so?"
And with that, without even waiting for an answer, he took another step forward. Of course, he was quite wrong and barely made it a step before he toppled into the other boy with another shout of surprise.
His eyes followed the boy's down to his ankle and he tapped it gingerly on the ground as if he were testing it. "I don't know," he mused, putting more weight on it. It twinged a bit, but perhaps it wasn't something that needed immediate attention. "I reckon I'd be able to do without some bandages for a few hours or so?"
And with that, without even waiting for an answer, he took another step forward. Of course, he was quite wrong and barely made it a step before he toppled into the other boy with another shout of surprise.