The baffled, panicky face that peeked out over the side of the boat gave Enoch a marvellous sense of schadenfreude and for perhaps the first time he was quite glad he had bumped into Miss Dempsey. She was a disagreeable chit in many respects but, as he had learned to his detriment, she was also not the sort of young woman who waited to be rescued: instead she seemed rather apt at taking matters into her own hands and especially when there was an opportunity for making somebody else suffer.
Enoch definitely approved.
“What do you think Miss Dempsey? Can this imbecile swim?”
With a flick of his own wand Enoch rocked the boat violently. The swan-shaped structure flailed from side to side until the thief, dislodged and making the terrible decision to stand up, lost his footing and plunged into the water, leaving his booty safe and mostly dry on the floor of the boat that picked up pace rapidly without the heavy body inside it and came to a stop only a few feet from Miss Dempsey.
Indecently attractive set by MJ