Trixie grinned rakishly. She certainly could feel his eagerness and with a little bit of exploration she knew that he would feel hers too… She might be a virgin technically but Trixie was well aware of how everything worked and she was more than eager to put that scant knowledge into practice and enjoy herself before she was shackled to Claude forevermore – or at least until she could be rid of him and make it seem an accident.
“Then we both know what we’re doing here,” she muttered close to his ear. His body was overheated from exertion already and he smelt pleasantly musty – though neither sensual consideration occurred to Trixie for long after she moved her hand to the front of his trousers just as his hands found the top of her stockings. She had no great intention of this being a romantic moment and she let him know with a firm press of her hand against straining clothes, but she certainly intended to make this memorable.
“Let’s get on with it shall we?”
Fade out?