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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Aideen McClary
Full Name: Aideen Cara McClary
Nicknames: Deeny [but only by her siblings], Addy [by friends]
Birthdate: April 2, 1854
Current Age: 35
Occupation: Gryffindor Matron
Reputation: 9
While she is Irish, a Spinster, and a Muggleborn, she comports herself in the manner expected of a Matron of Hogwarts. 
Residence: Hogwarts
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Holly, 13 ½” , pliant , unicorn hair
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Social Class: Middle
Caradoc McClary| [1834] father
Aislinn McClary nee Bragan | [1838] mother
Caradoc McClary Jr. | [1855-1856]
Iona McClary | [1856] sister
Senan | [1857-1857] brother
Eimear O’Malley nee McClary | [1858] sister and family
Ronan McClary | [1859-61] brother
Einin Donohue nee McClary | [1860] sister and family
Fergus McClary | [1861] brother and family

Aideen is tall and slender, although she is more likely to describe herself as flat as a board. She stands at five foot five and is all angles, except for her smile and round face. Her red hair is a mess of, in her opinion, untamable curls. Her eyes are deep blue against her creamy skin. She is left right handed. Aideen is as likely to wear wizarding robes as she is to wear clothes in the latest fashion. She loves shades of greens and blues, but has been seen wearing her house colors quite a bit as well.

Played By: Natasha Quirke

Pre-1854: Aislinn Bragan caught the eye of the son of the shopkeeper, Caradoc McClary when she was only sixteen years old. The only daughter of the town’s doctor Aislinn was expected to make a good match. Instead she fell head over heels in love with Caradoc. The couple ended up were married in the fall 1853 upon news that she was soon to deliver a child.
1854: Aideen is born in the wee hours of a stormy Sunday morning. Even as a babe Aideen keeps her family moving, insisting on crawling by the tender age of four months.
1856: A second daughter is born to Caradoc and Aislinn. Aideen doesn’t really understand what is happening.  Iona is a quiet child and while Aideen is interested in her at her birth she quickly loses interest when she realizes the baby is just going to lay there.
1857: Senan is born in December. But it is a cold winter and the boy has weak lungs. He doesn’t live to see the entirety of his first month. Aideen doesn’t understand why everyone is somber and suddenly she has to wear black. She takes it upon herself to cheer everyone up.
1858: Little Eimear is born. At four years old Aideen takes more interest in the child, often with Iona toddling behind her. Aideen’s father takes over the family shop.
1859: Another child is born into the family. Another little boy. Aideen dotes on her brother but also decides she is the mother hen of her sisters. Her mother send Aideen to the village’s school.
1860: In August while her mother is in labor with yet another child, Aideen and her sisters wander out of the village to the nearby stream where they often play. Eimear gets caught in a deep pool and carried on a current. Aideen, in a panic, tries to reach her sister, when sudden Eimear is lifted from the water and gently plopped on the land. Iona believes it is a miracle of God’s. Unbeknownst to them it is Aideen’s first sign of magic. When they arrive home they find out they have another little sister, Einin.
1861: In February little Ronan catches a cold and never gets better. He dies in March. In May Aislinn is delivered of another son, Fergus.
1862-1864: Aideen is often defending her little siblings. She is known to get herself in trouble yelling at the O’Fallon boys because of them picking on her siblings. She is a bright girl though and does well with her lessons at school. She even helps her father around the shop when she can.
1865: The McClary family is paid a visit by a peculiar man. Many of the details don’t make sense to them, but they see the sense in sending their daughter to the school the man mentions. Better schooling, while the details might be obscured (surely they can pass it off as finishing school), would only help Aideen in procuring a husband. Besides, it is evident that the lessons at the village school are not enough. Aideen is sent to Hogwarts in the fall with the expectation that she continue to get good grades to stay as a scholarship student.

Hogwarts [1865-1872]

1865 -66: Aideen arrives at Hogwarts and is in awe of everything. She is sorted into Gryffindor. Not long after classes start Aideen meets Delphine Delacour who is being teased by some second year boys. Aideen steps in and defends her. The two are best friends from there on out.

1866-67: The summer between first and second year is not great. Iona has become more religious and treats Aideen as an outcast. The rest of her siblings are interested to hear about her schooling but Aideen is not allowed to talk about it leaving them upset with her. She is glad to be back at school when September rolls around, and especially glad for her scholarships. Aideen throws herself into school work as it is clear that she won’t be accepted back home. Not that she is really accepted at Hogwarts by everyone either, since she is muggleborn but she always believes it will get better.
1867-68: Third year begins and Aideen add Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes.
1868-69: Fourth year is rather unremarkable. Aideen continues to do well in school so she can keep her scholarships.
1869-70: When Aideen’s letter arrives she is excited to see that she has been made a perfect. This is also the year that Aideen realizes she just doesn’t like boys.
1870-71: Aideen finally gets to pick only the courses she wants to take! Not that she didn’t like all her courses, but it was a bit much.
1871-72: It’s Aideen’s final year at Hogwarts and to top it off she is Head Girl. Iona writes that she is joining a convent, which doesn’t surprise Aideen in the least. Aideen debuts at the end of the year, but really doesn’t have any interest in making a match. She’s just there to have fun.
-- Academic Records --

Defence Against the Dark ArtsE
Care of Magical CreaturesE
Ancient RunesOO
History of MagicOO


1872: It takes Aideen only a few months of being home to realize that she simply doesn’t belong there anymore. She loves her family but she soon takes a position as a governess of an Upper Class wizarding family. She is in charge of two young girls and loves her work.  Aideen remains in the position for the next few years.
1874: Aideen returns home for the marriage of Eimear. She is happy to see her sisters growing up and settling into their lives, although it concerns her how perfect her little sister is trying to be.
1876: Much like their mother Einin gets caught up in a romance and is married. Aideen again returns to the village to celebrate this. But feels out of place as she still has not married. Einin, who has always been the gentlest of them, assures Aideen that she will eventually fall in love, Aideen doubts this as she has no interest in marriage.
1877: Aideen’s girls are both in Hogwarts so she takes a position with a new family. This time she has two young boys to look after. When the news of the wizarding world breaks to the muggle world she moves with the family to Hogsmeade.
1881: In March she returns home because of the Muggleborn murders. She helps Fergus and his bride get ready for their wedding back in her village. In April she is allowed to return to Hogsmeade and her post.  Aideen officially enters ‘spinsterhood’, despite that she is content with her lot in life. Aideen sometimes feels lonely but she doesn’t dwell on it much.
1883: The oldest of Aideen’s pupils goes to Hogwarts.
1884: Aideen’s youngest charge dies in the Laughing Plague. Aideen considers working at the schoolhouse in Irving, however, a position becomes available at Hogwarts. Aideen applies for a position at Hogwarts as the Gryffindor matron. In the fall she finds herself in the position and feels like she is at home.
1885: The end of her first year as Hogwarts staff sees Hogwarts go into lockdown. Aideen worries over her students even though they are sent home early.
1886: Aideen enjoys the World’s Wizarding Fair during her summer break.
1887: With the halfbreed bans Aideen advocates for them to return, feeling all students deserve the right to attend Hogwarts.
1888: With the Fog spilling into Hogsmeade Aideen returns home for the summer to spend time with her siblings’ families and help her ailing father.
1889: Now happily settled into her position Aideen recommends that her friend, Delphine fills the open Ravenclaw Matron position.

Aideen is fiercely protective. She does not believe in sitting silently by when something is wrong and is just as likely to take charge and fix the situation as she is to watch it happen.  She has a fiery temper that can flare up, but usually for the benefit of someone else. She is kind and loves a good laugh and joke, but she can also be stern when she needs to be. She always believes in rules being there for a reason, but has been known to bend them from time to time. While she has always felt that she doesn’t quite have a place in any world, she also hates feeling sorry for herself and usually throws her energy into other endeavors.
Amortentia: Fresh baked bread, honeysuckle, and roses
Boggart: Four walls closing in
Languages: Gaelic, English, French, Ancient Runes
Sample Roleplay Post: N/A
Name: Fallin
Age: 28
Contact: Skype, Discord, or PM Sisse Thompsett
Other Characters: Hah.
How did you hear about us?: N/A

[Image: rZ8Ezq.jpg]
A marvelous Lady design

Messages In This Thread
Aideen McClary - by Aideen McClary - September 24, 2019 – 2:36 PM
Aideen McClary - by Aldous Crouch - September 26, 2019 – 4:21 PM
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