Full Name: Elliot FoxNicknames: Eli
Birthdate: February 23, 1881
Current Age: 8
Occupation: Chimney Sweep
Reputation: 5
Residence: Small Chamber Off of the Store Room, Fox & Son, London
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: Unknown
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working
Family: He doesn't remember much about his biological family. He had at least eight brothers and sisters, if not more. Nobody has come looking for him. He has found family with the Fox crew.
Appearance: Eli stands at 4 feet and 4 inches. Although he is no longer half starved, he's a skinny little thing with ordinary brown hair. His eyes are a greenish blue. He is fairly ordinary looking and easy to overlook. He dresses in muted colors that are often soot covered. He prefers not to wear shoes, but he will wear boots in the winter. He is left handed.
1881 Elliot is born somewhere in the slums of London. He's the sixth or seventh child, and his birth isn't met with much celebration.
1882-1885 Even as a toddler, Eli is quiet. He often stays off to one side and silently watches as countless people dart in and out of their crumbling flat. He is often forgotten, even if he never left a room. He finds ways to feed himself, snatching food from others without them noticing.
1885 His family lost track of Eli's age and decides he seems old enough to start working as a chimney sweep along with his older brothers. During one of his first jobs, he nearly slips down the chimney and displays his first incidence of accidental magic. He floats to the ground instead of plummeting to injury or death.
1886 Eli becomes lost after a job, and he wanders his way into The Leaky Cauldron with his cleaning tools and covered in soot. It's a busy day, and he's jostled by various adults until he spills into Diagon Alley. The strange shops and weirdly dressed people have him edging along until he finds himself in the less populated Knockturn Alley. He wanders into Fox & Son, hoping to get directions, but the only two words he manages to utter after loitering are, "Sweep, sir?" Perhaps it's his quiet, concentrated nature, but something interests Simeon Fox, and he allows the boy to clean his chimney. He then feeds the half starved, quiet boy and decides to take him in. He is happy to find family and to be fed.
1887-1889 Eli continues to sweep chimneys, but he does so for different reasons. It allows him to scope out the entry points into well-to-do houses and eavesdrop on countless conversations. After all, what should a simpleton like himself care about the lives of his betters?
Personality: Quiet, observant, clever, invisible, nimble, adaptable, creative, illiterate
Other: He speaks the most to Simeon and Jay. He has a great memory. He is pretty skilled at stealing, and he's learning to pick locks. He likes to draw. Most people think he's a mute (except the Fox family), and he lets them assume. Nobody expects a mute to tell their secrets.
Name: FinnAge: 28
Contact: PM or Skype
Other Characters:Too many?