Archie had not, nor had he ever been, particularly inclined towards athletics. Though tall for his age and likely to shoot up in the coming years, he was lanky and lacked strength. Still, knowing that other boys in his house and year were trying out for quidditch was enough to push him to join the pitch in the late morning hours alongside his house-mates.
He was smart enough not to try out for beater. The thought of attempting to swing them against the force of the wind was enough to make his arms ache, so he instead grabbed a broom and headed in the direction of those aiming for the chaser position. He kicked off the ground after a moment and headed into the air, hoping he would not be too disappointing.
He was smart enough not to try out for beater. The thought of attempting to swing them against the force of the wind was enough to make his arms ache, so he instead grabbed a broom and headed in the direction of those aiming for the chaser position. He kicked off the ground after a moment and headed into the air, hoping he would not be too disappointing.