August 29, 2019 – 6:53 PM
Acacia Darlington — Played by Kelly
Quote:Zelda: Now it's your turn Katerina, tell us your secret
Katerina: Okay.. Uh, I might have a crush on Nemo
Ari: Katerina, she said a secret.
Quote:Azazel: So, you ever killed someone?
Blossom: I hurt someone’s feelings once...
Quote:Odette: [about Mireille] The girl has no idea how to behave like a pure-blood. Where's the dignity? Where's the contempt for the common man?
Quote:Handsome: Why are you guys always out during rainstorms?
Darling: It’s peaceful and refreshing. I love the smell of fresh raindrops.
Sweetie: Chrysanta bet me 12 dollars I couldn’t get struck by lightning and she’s WRONG.
Quote:Geoffrey Campbell: I really hate the concept of being overdressed. If I want to wear a latex dress and a fur coat to the grocery store on a Tuesday afternoon, I shouldn’t be judged, I should be applauded for being so incredibly sexy.
Quote:Charles: *falls off a cliff*
Useal: Oh! That’s gotta hurt.
Alina: Do it again, I wasn’t looking!
Quote:Winifred: Why do you have another jumper under your jumper?!
Irene: I get cold.
Quote:Sweetie, shouting across the hallway: Guys there's a package from Handsome!
Honey, peeking from one of the rooms: What's in it?
Sweetie: It's pretty heavy, must be his disappointment in me.