A little Garelia.
Garrett: I wasn't that drunk last night.
Kate: You were hitting on Aurelia.
Garrett: So? She's my wife!
Aurelia Wallingford: You asked me if I was single, and started crying when I said I wasn't.
Aaaand lbr no incorrect quotes post is complete without some BenAri/GABB. xD
Garrett: So, how have you been?
Ari Fisk: Fine. Except for this headache. Comes and goes.
Benedict Sterling: -enters the room-
Ari: Oh look, there it is.
Garrett: I spy with my little eye, something that begins with the letter 'S'.
Baxter Keene: -looks over at Ben and Ari-
Baxter: Is it 'sexual tension'?
Ben: Pfft, Ari and I don't have pet names for each other, we're cool.
Garrett: -unconvinced- Um, sure. Okay... Ben, what do bees make?
Ben: Honey?
Ari, from the other room: Yes, love?
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