Welcome to Charming, Eve! My name's Bree and I've been her for a little over five years now! The site is definitely open to members from non-English speaking countries, and I can name a handful of members past and present whose native language wasn't English!
As for adoptables, I have Narcissa Bulstrode, who's the sister of Carius Bulstrode and the childhood friend of Holly Scrimgeour. Holly's more there as a plotting opportunity and I've name-dropped Narcissa a time or two, but mostly everything about her is negotiable. She'll be entering her third year in September!
Can't wait to thread with you!
- Bree <3
— set by MJ! —
As for adoptables, I have Narcissa Bulstrode, who's the sister of Carius Bulstrode and the childhood friend of Holly Scrimgeour. Holly's more there as a plotting opportunity and I've name-dropped Narcissa a time or two, but mostly everything about her is negotiable. She'll be entering her third year in September!
Can't wait to thread with you!
- Bree <3
— set by MJ! —