Shop after shop they went. And Alina loved the freedom of taking lead. Even if she only vaguely knew where they were headed. They didn't get fish and chips often. Some faces she recognized, and she waved. Few waved back.
The young little witch was good at staying out of trouble. And when she was actually in trouble, she was good at getting out. A cunning child indeed, good at getting what she wanted with plenty of things. Though she wasn't one to want for much.
Alina shrieked in mock terror and pure delight as her mother tickled her. For a moment she sped up once freed, before slowing down to her original pace. "Almost there ma." Of this she was fairly sure.
The young little witch was good at staying out of trouble. And when she was actually in trouble, she was good at getting out. A cunning child indeed, good at getting what she wanted with plenty of things. Though she wasn't one to want for much.
Alina shrieked in mock terror and pure delight as her mother tickled her. For a moment she sped up once freed, before slowing down to her original pace. "Almost there ma." Of this she was fairly sure.