Una had come home to visit for the summer. Three nights with his sister in the family home had been more than enough for Munny to decide that he definitely needed his own place. And so he had set about doing so and had settled on a nice property in North Bartonburg. Munny was glad that his familys.. less than stellar reputation had not blocked him from getting the place. Then again, he was also a known name in his own right. Not that he was less than stellar himself but whatever.
He was supposed to be settling in today and getting the keys for the place. Though what the point of them was when anyone could use an unlocking spell, he had no idea. The man he was supposed to be meeting had a weird name - Bragi. Foreign, more than likely. The property manager hadn't told him much nor had Munny been especially interested in knowing. "Ever thought of becoming a seeker?" Munny asked as the man caught the keys that had previously been seemingly thrown into the air.
He was supposed to be settling in today and getting the keys for the place. Though what the point of them was when anyone could use an unlocking spell, he had no idea. The man he was supposed to be meeting had a weird name - Bragi. Foreign, more than likely. The property manager hadn't told him much nor had Munny been especially interested in knowing. "Ever thought of becoming a seeker?" Munny asked as the man caught the keys that had previously been seemingly thrown into the air.