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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Bragi Holm
Full Name: Bragi Holm
Nicknames: N/A
Birthdate: May, 26, 1870
Current Age: 19 years
Occupation: Landlord
Reputation: 10 — a foreigner he may be, but immaculate thus far
Residence: Bartonburg North, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: N/A (went to Beauxbatons)
Wand: Cypress, 10½", flexible, unicorn hair
Blood Status: Pure
Social Class: Middle

Appearance: Bragi is a pale young Dane with searing orange hair, slate blue eyes and a lithe and limber frame of 5'3". While naturally left handed, he was forced in childhood to write and cast spells with his right, making him ambidextrous. Bragi dresses in appropriate upper-middle class attire, with a special fondness for crisp white shirts and cosy winter scarfs. His languages are English, Danish and French. He speaks the Queen's English, quite androgynously, with a subtle Danish inflexion.

History: Based in Odense, Denmark, the Holm family once mixed with aristocracy, but the last of their connections died out in the 40s. Alberte and Søren Holm seek to reignite their elite legacy. Their son Bragi was born in 1870, and after falling in love with English literature developed a dream of moving to Great Britain. The parents fused his ambitions and their own after he graduated Beauxbatons; they had him schooled in property management and arranged the purchase of two properties in a well-to-do area of Hogsmeade — he would live at Foxglove Cottage in Poplar Grove, and manage Number Four Orpington Way. Evidenced by their handsome investment, Alberte and Søren have high hopes that their son will cultivate their family fortunes overseas... hopefully with an exemplary wife before too long. The Holm family has another son, eleven-year-old Thor, with similar potential.

Personality: Influenced by his ambitious family back in Denmark, Bragi can be a touch vainglorious. But in his heart he's good, creative and curious, on the brink of blazing his own trail. He owns a black horse called Galahad and a fat cat called Marian. A fan of English literary romance, Bragi enjoys riding horses on the moors, fencing in town halls, and gazing surreptitiously at handsome men.

Other: N/A
Sample Roleplay Post: Stepping out of the billowing steam from the train engine, Bragi took his first grounded look at Hogsmeade as his fellow passengers dissipated along the platform. Beyond the slanted roof of the station house, the town covered far more ground than he'd anticipated, over grassland and scattered woodland and what he supposed were the foothills of the blue mountains beyond. Draping his coat over his arm and adjusting his grip on his suitcase, the young Dane emerged onto the busy, bustling Station Road. He looked right, he looked left, he checked his pocketwatch and — sigh, realised he wasn't due to meet Mr Wilson for another hour.

And so, finding himself briefly without purpose or home, Bragi — looking rather lost — set about deciding how best to spend his first sixty minutes in this new town, this new country, this brave new world.

Name: Willow
Age: 31
Contact: PM
Other Characters: N/A
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[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Bragi Holm - by Bragi Holm - May 26, 2019 – 11:10 AM
Bragi Holm - by Aldous Crouch - May 26, 2019 – 11:45 AM
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