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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
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Leif Heaney
Full Name: Leif Simon Heaney
Nicknames: Leif
Birthdate: August 03, 1878
Current Age: Ten Years Old
Occupation: Child
Reputation: 9. Leif’s family has an odd reputation, especially his father.
Residence: Rambling Hut with The Blue Door, Flea Court, The Slums, Hogsmeade, England
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: Unknown
Blood Status: halfblood
Social Class: Working class
Family: Lydia Heaney (mother)
Lukas Heaney (father)
Liam Heaney (younger brother)
Xavier Heaney (younger brother*)
Xander Heaney (younger brother*)
Calvin ‘Cal’ Heaney (younger brother)
Gregory ‘Greg’ Heaney (younger brother)
Lawrence Heaney (younger brother)
Simon Heaney (paternal uncle)
--and family
Millard Heaney (paternal uncle)
Ervin Heaney (paternal uncle)
--and family
Patrick Heaney (paternal uncle, deceased)
Chester Heaney(paternal uncle)
--and family
Ezekiel Heaney (paternal uncle, deceased)
--and family
Sadie Heaney (paternal great-aunt)
Appearance: Leif is averagely tall for his age. He’s a bit skinny, but that comes from having to share meagre portions of food with 8 other people. His hair, like the rest of his family, is straw blond, while his eyes are a deep green that shine with the hope he carries in his soul. He is usually pondering a book, and has managed to make a small wrinkle where he squints to read. He prefers to wear his nicest clothes all the time, and because he’s the oldest, he doesn’t have to deal with hand-me-downs from his brothers. Instead, he gets them from his cousins.
History: 1878: Leif is born to Lydia and Lukas Heaney, the latter of who is the seventh son in his family. The couple had newly moved to Hogsmeade following the discovery of magic by Muggles.
1879: Liam is born just over a year later. Leif will not remember the chaotic birth of his younger brother, but it is memorable to the adults in his family nonetheless.
1882: Xavier and Xander Heaney are born, twins. They look quite alike and everyone always mixes them up. Leif, now four, can tell them apart without fail. His mother starts to give him basic instruction, topics like how to read and write.
1883: Calvin Heaney is born. By this point, Leif is quite adept at being a big brother and has gotten the hang of doing whatever his mother asks him. He also begins helping his father in
1885: Gregory Heaney is born. He is the sixth boy, and Leif begins to hear whispers of number seven.
1887: The first of January. Lawrence Heaney is born, the seventh son of a seventh son. Unexpectedly, his father gives Lawrence an heirloom that would have ordinarily been for Leif. At eight years old, Leif has yet to show any sign of magic. It is thought that he will be a squib. The halfbreed ban, while it does bother some of Leif’s neighbors, does not seem like it will have much effect over Leif’s schooling life.
1888: Leif finally shows his first sign of magic in early February. Now aged nine, the walls in his shared room grow about as furry as the spider he sees hanging above him in the middle of the night. They have to be redone, but Leif is proud anyways. The fog makes Leif worry if he will be able to go to Hogwarts in the next year, as he has heard that it is possible he may lose any magical ability he had gained. It is resolved.
1889: Leif is excited to attend Hogwarts for the first time, especially since he will be the first of his brothers to go. His brother Lawrence shows his first sign of magic by temporarily making his toy dragon into a real, but still toy-sized, dragon. Leif is jealous.
Personality: Leif is responsible and mature, having had to spend a lot of time watching his younger brothers when his parents were working. He wants to be a strong young wizard and make a difference in the world. He wants nothing more than to prove himself worthy, and struggles with the fact that his magic may not be as powerful as he thought. His greatest ambition is to become Minister of Magic, however unlikely that is.
Other: Leif is a Leo.
Sample Roleplay Post: Leif swept up the floor, keeping it tidy like his mother preferred. The house was in need of a few things to fix it, but they rarely had the money or opportunity to make it look better, besides cleaning. Leif liked it that way, actually, but he could do without the drafty winters and the rain drops falling on his head in the rain. But because they only had a few rooms, and all the boys shared theirs, they didn't have to worry too much for cold, only for privacy. He put the broom neatly away and walked into his shared bedroom.

Xander and Xavier were playing gobstones, with the old, mildly cracked ones they'd found in the street earlier. Gobstones were hard to come by. Greg and Cal are watching them in awe. Leif chuckles. He is, of the seven boys, the best. Not like there's much competition, but Leif always feels like he has to be the best anyways. "Who's winning?" he asks, expecting the twins to have a vigorous argument like they always do. Though with Greg and Cal watching, it was doubtful the loser would get away with a lie for long.
Name: Catcher
Age: 15
Contact: PM
Other Characters: none
How did you hear about us?: cttw

[Image: bZyZZW.jpg]
This signature was made by the ever-Charming and gracious Lady! Give her some love!
Could you be a Heaney?

Messages In This Thread
Leif Heaney - by Leif Heaney - April 17, 2019 – 7:21 PM
Leif Heaney - by Aldous Crouch - April 17, 2019 – 7:28 PM
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