Charming has a variety of canons that you’re welcome to take on! Some of them actually hail from the books, movies, or supplementary material, while others are board-specific to give members a starting point! Simply post below to reserve the canon that catches your fancy.
Information outlined below may be updated or added to with permission from the staff team. Please contact a member of the staff team if you have any questions, or if your character sees any important developments you think need mentioning!
Era-appropriate characters created by JKR, occasionally with extra details unique to Charming!
— Charming Launchpad —
A place to start with characters (some original, a few from canon) tailored specifically to give you a jumping-off point on the board!
— Canon Surnames in Use —
Surnames from the books used by characters on-site!
Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.