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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

March Madness
March madness has arrived—Charming style. I've been MIA for a few weeks, but I've really been sporadic/unintentionally flaky since real life slapped me in the face with new stresses and new responsibilities. I'm hoping to figure out what plots are where, reestablish plots and character relationships that were developing when shit hit the fan, and find new threads for characters who haven't had new things in a while!

I have a number of characters who are still active but are on the pathway to a much-deserved vacation. Others were dropped completely, and half of them survived the chopping block.

Bella Scrimgeour — She's long overdue for a plot that doesn't revolve around her questionable relationship with Jamie MacFusty and her working relationship with her brother. She's always been irresponsibly adventurous, and I don't think she's the sort to keep all her drama in the Hebrides. Some ideas for her:
    — Weaseling her way back into the medical field, likely in a less official way than hospital life.
    — Finding herself in a dangerous situation after overestimating her knowledge of magical creatures (think "this creature can't be anymore dangerous than dragons").
    — Getting involved with people with reputations as equally bad as (or not much better than) her own.

Cameron Gillenwater — Not much has changed in his life, if you ignore the fact that his mother married Madeline Bell's father back in February, meaning he's now part of a magical family. He's still somber about Gryffindor's poor performance in quidditch this year, but is excited to be surrounded by his friends!
    — Someone needs to make him a dorm-mate. I don't care who they are, where they come from, or what their deal is—he just needs someone to go through teenage boy angst with.
    — Friendships? Other than the Gryffingirls? Maybe?

Dionisia Fisk — She's visibly pregnant. There's no hiding it. Considering she's only been married to Ari since December, your character probably has suspicions and/or questions. She's still working her job as a mediwitch against her better judgment, but it's just a matter of time until one of her superiors tells her she needs to stay at home and have her baby.
    — We should definitely develop Ari and Dionisia's post-marriage relationship, Elias Grimstone! I know there have been Benari developments since around the time they married, and not to mention that I'd really love an awkward "yeah, there's definitely a baby in there [awkward laugh]" thread. I also assume they haven't consummated their marriage, and although Ari is gay, Dionisia is not. She'll have questions eventually.
    — Dionisia muse is dying to thread with you, Benedict Sterling. They probably were introduced at the wedding and have seen each other a handful of times since then, but I'd love your input!
    — We're long overdue for a Zelda/Dionisia thread, Cassius Lestrange! Let me know when you have the time and I'll put something up for them.

Edric Umbridge — He's way overdue for some drama, too (and preferably some not directly related to his marriage!). His wife is halfway through her pregnancy and he's been playing it as safe as possible at work, which leads me to...
    — He needs to get into some trouble. Have someone inclined to capture and hold the head auror hostage for political purposes? Maybe he caught them doing something illegal? Hit me with ideas.
    — I love the idea of gathering a small group of played aurors for a mission-gone-wrong that takes place over a number of IC days. Magical pirates should be involved. The Suggestionizer could even be involved.

Eldin Bones — His seventh year is almost upon him and I haven't done nearly the amount of student-related threads as I've hoped. I also need to find his "niche" pretty soon, or at least some semblance of a distinctive personality.
    — Prefect-related threads! Have a younger student in need of assistance? A student of any age who's prone to trouble-making? Also open to class-related threads to earn Slytherin some house points!
    — Eldin ~dreaminess~ was pointed out in Jemima Farley's diary, and I don't doubt that a handful of male made jests at him. Speaking of friends, he needs them. NEWT-level male students, Slytherin quidditch teammates, Slytherins in fourth year and up.

Finnian Byrne — He's always up for trouble, either with his relatives or relative strangers.
    — If you characters is fighting one of the Ministry's laws, Finnian is likely defending them. However, whether he's defending them well or not is a different story.
    — Have a character stuck in a sticky IC situation? Finnian could be there, providing no help whatsoever and making life more difficult for your character.

Flora Mulciber — The second half of her first year is more than halfway through, and I haven't done nearly as much as I'd hope to do with her. I'm hoping to get a few things underway before the year comes to a conclusion:
    — Like most of my student characters, the majority of Flora's IC-established friendships are members of the opposite sex. I'd love to find some more female friends for her, preferably ones her parents would approve of!

Frida Lestrange — She's had a more productive school year than I expected, but I'm not done with her yet!
    — She's presumably still dealing with the fallout from Jemima's diary. I'm not sure where her friendships are currently at, but I'll get on those threads ASAP.
    — I need a Hufflepuff matron for teenage angst purpose. Someone please.
    — I've failed at doing prefect-related threads, but I'd love to rectify that. I need something to show (A) how ineffective of an authority figure Frida really is, or (B) that she has potential!

Holly Scrimgeour — I feel like I'm getting somewhere with her. Stay tuned.

Justice Rookwood — His year has also been more productive than I thought it would, but I do have some needs:
    — He isn't the sort who would spend time with the ladies unless he likes them (see: Jemima), so I need to establish some more IC male friendships for him!
    — I will be getting to the Jemima dairy fallout threads ASAP.

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Messages In This Thread
March Madness - by Frida Lestrange - March 3, 2019 – 7:23 PM
RE: March Madness - by Roberto Devine - March 3, 2019 – 7:32 PM
RE: March Madness - by Elias Grimstone - March 3, 2019 – 7:38 PM
RE: March Madness - by Acacia Darlington - March 3, 2019 – 7:43 PM
RE: March Madness - by Aldous Crouch - March 3, 2019 – 7:57 PM
RE: March Madness - by Ophelia Devine - March 3, 2019 – 9:55 PM
RE: March Madness - by Frida Lestrange - March 3, 2019 – 10:54 PM
RE: March Madness - by Acacia Darlington - March 3, 2019 – 11:09 PM
RE: March Madness - by Benedict Sterling - March 3, 2019 – 10:59 PM
RE: March Madness - by Billie Farrow - March 3, 2019 – 11:34 PM
RE: March Madness - by Ophelia Devine - March 4, 2019 – 3:12 AM
RE: March Madness - by Frida Lestrange - March 5, 2019 – 4:03 AM
RE: March Madness - by Sisse Thompsett - March 7, 2019 – 10:31 PM
RE: March Madness - by Flora Mulciber - April 7, 2019 – 5:55 AM
RE: March Madness - by Idunn Fraser - April 7, 2019 – 2:22 PM
RE: March Madness - by Acacia Darlington - April 7, 2019 – 6:00 AM
RE: March Madness - by Ailsa Fraser - April 7, 2019 – 2:26 PM
RE: March Madness - by Finnian Byrne - April 7, 2019 – 7:49 PM
RE: March Madness - by Elias Grimstone - April 7, 2019 – 8:56 PM
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