Eleven years of his life had been spent in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, but never one in his career had he been forced to draw a wand to do his job. Although inclined to believe himself better than everyone else, he wasn't so cocky to assume he was the best at everything—and dueling, he knew, had never been his greatest strength.
Still, it was almost an insult to be put against Miss Goyle, a woman who'd managed to make a mockery of her family name and yet still managed to climb the career ladder. (It was another reason, he thought, that no woman should ever be made head of department. The moment they found power, they went around handing positions to every woman they knew, regardless of reputation.)
Unwilling to focus on Miss Goyle's shortcomings while her wand was pointed in his direction, Albert gave the obligatory bow and raised his own in return.
"Protego," he cast simply.
Still, it was almost an insult to be put against Miss Goyle, a woman who'd managed to make a mockery of her family name and yet still managed to climb the career ladder. (It was another reason, he thought, that no woman should ever be made head of department. The moment they found power, they went around handing positions to every woman they knew, regardless of reputation.)
Unwilling to focus on Miss Goyle's shortcomings while her wand was pointed in his direction, Albert gave the obligatory bow and raised his own in return.
"Protego," he cast simply.
— fabulous set by the fabulous Lady —
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