Mrs. Wunderlich paused a moment, digesting the words in addition to the cookies.
“Gute night, Miss McPadraic.”
She left her dishes as she finished them – household staff had to be kept useful, after all.
Ahmet looked up from stacking Ms. Wunderlich’s into an easier to transport pile.
“My pleasure,” he said neutrally.
There was, after all, no polite way to say ‘I’ve got shit to do, lady’. Not even in English.
“Goodnight, Miss McPadraic.”
He was careful not to let his gaze linger.
“Gute night, Miss McPadraic.”
She left her dishes as she finished them – household staff had to be kept useful, after all.
Ahmet looked up from stacking Ms. Wunderlich’s into an easier to transport pile.
“My pleasure,” he said neutrally.
There was, after all, no polite way to say ‘I’ve got shit to do, lady’. Not even in English.
“Goodnight, Miss McPadraic.”
He was careful not to let his gaze linger.