Gonna respond to your stuff in order with my own comments, Bree:
— I ship it.
— Leta Lestrange was fabulous. I really hope that the next movie will explore Newt's Hogwarts years and the actual expulsion.
— I was not surprised one bit that Queenie didn't go. I was 50/50 on Jacob going with her or not though. Love is a powerful thing, but it was pretty in character for him not to go with her.
— Not gonna lie, I probably would have bought into the message as well. Especially with the magical presentation of war that he did.
— Part of me wondered what other Lestranges would have thought of Corvus's actions. Especially the ones we see on Charming.
— Honestly, the moment Grindelwald made his 'reveal' I instantly thought "naw, he's so lying". With that, Elaine and I also did some canon math, and it really doesn't fit the timeline of 'Aurelius' being a Dumbledore.
— Agree 100% that the soundtrack was amazing, and the fact that they found a perfect young Dumbledore.
— I love both Nifflers and their babies now, so cute. Want one.
— Hopefully we'll get more info on the blood pacts with the next movie. I'm kinda wondering if we could bring that into Charming, if it fits to what is already established.
— I can't lie, I was pretty shocked during the reveal of the little switch of prisoners with the chase scene. I wonder how Grindelwald was able to make such an escape and have someone else in his cell.
— I'm all for solid arcs, so totally agree with your statement.
— All we know is that she's mysterious and seems quite loyal to Grindelwald. I also hope that we learn more about her as an individual.
— I also love how it was more dark. With both that and magical creatures, it made me so happy. But little baby Lestrange dying did shake me. And that poor woman who thinks that her child is dead made it even more heart breaking, along with Leta's own guilt over the situation. I was also shaken by the whole thing with Corvus and Leta's mother.
— I'm so glad that it was an interesting filler. Because fillers can be interesting. More info would indeed have been better though. Flamel should have had more screen time, and I really wish that his wife could have at least been mentioned.
— Newt looked so done, yet still confused by the statement. I loved it. I really hope we see more of her, she's so adorable.
— I was surprised by the amount of wordless magic going on, honestly. From certain theories, America having plenty of non-verbal magic makes sense. But Paris? Perhaps I'm reading too much into it. But my posts seriously need more magic as well.
Also, Elaine... yeah... that makes sense.
Magic by Elaine!

— I ship it.
— Leta Lestrange was fabulous. I really hope that the next movie will explore Newt's Hogwarts years and the actual expulsion.
— I was not surprised one bit that Queenie didn't go. I was 50/50 on Jacob going with her or not though. Love is a powerful thing, but it was pretty in character for him not to go with her.
— Not gonna lie, I probably would have bought into the message as well. Especially with the magical presentation of war that he did.
— Part of me wondered what other Lestranges would have thought of Corvus's actions. Especially the ones we see on Charming.
— Honestly, the moment Grindelwald made his 'reveal' I instantly thought "naw, he's so lying". With that, Elaine and I also did some canon math, and it really doesn't fit the timeline of 'Aurelius' being a Dumbledore.
— Agree 100% that the soundtrack was amazing, and the fact that they found a perfect young Dumbledore.
— I love both Nifflers and their babies now, so cute. Want one.
— Hopefully we'll get more info on the blood pacts with the next movie. I'm kinda wondering if we could bring that into Charming, if it fits to what is already established.
— I can't lie, I was pretty shocked during the reveal of the little switch of prisoners with the chase scene. I wonder how Grindelwald was able to make such an escape and have someone else in his cell.
— I'm all for solid arcs, so totally agree with your statement.
— All we know is that she's mysterious and seems quite loyal to Grindelwald. I also hope that we learn more about her as an individual.
— I also love how it was more dark. With both that and magical creatures, it made me so happy. But little baby Lestrange dying did shake me. And that poor woman who thinks that her child is dead made it even more heart breaking, along with Leta's own guilt over the situation. I was also shaken by the whole thing with Corvus and Leta's mother.
— I'm so glad that it was an interesting filler. Because fillers can be interesting. More info would indeed have been better though. Flamel should have had more screen time, and I really wish that his wife could have at least been mentioned.
— Newt looked so done, yet still confused by the statement. I loved it. I really hope we see more of her, she's so adorable.
— I was surprised by the amount of wordless magic going on, honestly. From certain theories, America having plenty of non-verbal magic makes sense. But Paris? Perhaps I'm reading too much into it. But my posts seriously need more magic as well.
Also, Elaine... yeah... that makes sense.