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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Tae-Min Yi
Full Name: Tae-Min Yi
Nicknames: Tae, TaeTae
Birthdate: March 16, 1861
Current Age: 27 Years
Occupation: Transfiguration Professor; Scholar
Reputation: 10; Comes from a pretty respectable family and is pretty respectable himself.
Residence: South Bartonburg, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: 11½", quite flexible, ebony, unicorn tail hair
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle
Beom-sik Yi, Father, 1837
Ji-woo Yi, Mother, 1841
Seo-Yeon Yi, Sister, 1862
Min-Seo Yi, Sister, 1864
Tae-min stands above average at five feet, eleven inches and has a lean, slender build. He has brown eyes and brown hair with a smooth and clear complexion. He has an infectious smile that very rarely leaves his face. He dresses neatly and tends to follow muggle fashion more than he does wizarding fashion. His wand hand is his right hand.

  • 1861 - Tae-min is born the first child of immigrants from Seoul. He would eventually prove to be the only son.
  • 1866 - Tae-min shows his first signs of magic when he changes the color of some of his toys to his favorite color that week.
  • 1872 - Tae-min gets his Hogwarts letter and is sent off to Hogwarts, the first of his family to attend the school. He is sorted into Hufflepuff and spends a lot of time building friendships and the like. He takes a great liking to Magical Theory and Transfiguration.
  • 1874 - Tae-min chooses Ancient Runes, Ancient Studies and Divinition as his electives, finding the descriptions of them interesting. He proves to be bad at Divinition.
  • 1876 - Tae-min gets a prefect badge to start his fifth year off much to his family's delight. He does well enough on his OWLs and continues on with Ancient Runes, Ancient Studies, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic and Transfiguration.
  • 1877 - Muggles discover magic and it is Very Bad. Muggle neighbors of the Yi's are witness to a visiting cousins first signs of magic which endanger the Yi's. They are quick to move to Hogsmeade despite the fact that their neighbors no longer remember anything.
  • 1878-1879 - Tae-min is appointed Head Boy, an honor that he takes very graciously. He does his best to be a fair and just Head Boy and he is personally very happy when Hufflepuff takes the House Cup. An excellent way for him to finish his school year, in his opinion.

    Upon his graduation, Tae-min begins work as a scholar, going deep into research and writing up academic papers. He soon focuses on Transfiguration and the art of becoming an animagus. And thus begins Tae-mins path to becoming an animagus.

  • 1881 - Hearing about the Hogwarts Hussies thing, Tae-min is so glad that he doesn't have to deal with that beyond making sure his own sisters aren't among said hussies. Tae-min continues his studies into becoming an animagus as well as writing up in-depth academic papers on various aspects of Transfiguration and spell casting in general.
  • 1883 - Tae-min almost elopes with someone thanks to the Amortentia Tea Scandal but thankfully his family was able to stop him before he did so.
  • 1884 - Tae-min's mother begins wanting to leave Hogsmeade after all the crap that befalls it but the choice is ultimately made that they will stay in Hogsmeade.
  • 1885 - Tae-min begins working his way up to attempting an animagus transformation, knowing the consequences if he should fail and doing his best to avoid such things. He wants to be absolutely sure he is ready. When he attempts the transformation, he is relieved to find himself successful in taking on the form of a Fennec Fox.
  • 1887 - Things with the Queen are reconciled, something the Yi's don't fully support due to lingering memories of the past.
  • 1888 - Tae-min takes it upon himself to apply for the open post of Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts, wanting to pass on the knowledge he has accumulated both in Hogwarts and within his own independent studies.
Personality: Romantic. Charming. Friendly. Kind. Sociable. Optimistic. Playful. Hard-working. Intelligent.
  • Tae-min is a second generation immigrant - his parents immigrated from Seoul, and Tae-min was born on British soil.
  • His Amortentia smells of biscuits, chocolate and burnt paper.
  • His animagus and patronus forms are the same: a fennec fox.
Ancient RunesEA
Ancient StudiesEE
Defence Against the Dark ArtsEE
History of MagicEE
Name: Kit
Age: 30
Contact: PM Roberto Devine

Messages In This Thread
Tae-Min Yi - by Tae-min Yi - October 12, 2018 – 8:54 PM
Tae-Min Yi - by Aldous Crouch - October 13, 2018 – 11:25 PM
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