Charles listened with pursed lips as Barnabas filled him in. What he heard filled him with dread. Had Lupus really been on the verge of ruining everything over — what? A misplaced sense of justice? A loss of the will to live? Why had his son been driven to such madness?
'No longer bleeding to death' was an accurate description of the current situation, and probably the only thing Lou had going for him right now.
"No doubt we will need to have a stern conversation with him when he wakes," Charles sighed, "but for now, we have more pressing matters. What time do you have, Barnabas?"
'No longer bleeding to death' was an accurate description of the current situation, and probably the only thing Lou had going for him right now.
"No doubt we will need to have a stern conversation with him when he wakes," Charles sighed, "but for now, we have more pressing matters. What time do you have, Barnabas?"

lady makes pretty things <3