Tiberius nodded. "Then we'll get rid of that one. On a probationary basis--if you prove that you can't be trusted to use magic responsibly in public, we'll have to readdress the issue. Maybe by taking you wand," he mused. "I don't imagine you'd be so free with your spellcasting if you had to come and check your wand out from me every time you wanted to use it," he pointed out. He assumed Antigone would be horrified at the idea of surrendering her wand to someone else for any length of time, let alone on a semi-permanent basis, so perhaps this threat would be enough to keep her in line.
Holding out his hand for the piece of parchment, Tiberius said matter-of-factly, "My sister, Tatiana, will be the bonder. She'll be here this afternoon to perform the Vows."
Holding out his hand for the piece of parchment, Tiberius said matter-of-factly, "My sister, Tatiana, will be the bonder. She'll be here this afternoon to perform the Vows."