So much for wishing he had something useless to do, procuring the instruments for saving his brother seemed suddenly like too great a responsibility after what he'd done already. In a philosophical sense, he ought to be the one to get the life-saving supplies so as to atone for nearly killing him in the first place but Theo wasn't into that sort of waffle and karmic mumbo jumbo. He had potentially murdered his brother and clearly he couldn't be relied upon to not mess that up too.
Fortunately for Lou's gaping wounds, Theo was also just about smart enough to recognize that arguing with his father would waste even more time that he might not even have. He stepped away from the door, flung it open, and ran for his father's workroom as instructed.
Two bottles of dittany essence, a roll of bandages, laudanum. Two bottles of dittany, a roll of bandages, laudanum. The words repeated in his mind like a mantra staving off his fear. The thought of apparating to the workroom did occur to him but he held back at the terrified thought of being too frantic to not splinch himself thus ruining Lou's chances and maybe even killing himself too in the process. If it didn't kill him, he'd certainly have wished it had. Two dittany, bandages, laudanum.
He hurled himself into the work room and with a shaky hand, got to summoning the objects. He retrieved the dittany essence first, taking a third bottle just in case, then summoned bandages and found himself bombarded by probably every bandage in the room. He collected about five rolls in his panic, and then almost forgot the laudanum. Thankfully, he didn't forget it, although he only had enough space to carry one bottle so he couldn't overcompensate on that one.
What he hoped was only a minute or two later, Theo barged back into his father's study and nearly dropped everything on the floor in his immense relief. Thankfully, he didn't but he did throw himself rather roughly at the floor next to Lou in a move that would probably leave a bruise on his tailbone for the next week or so but that didn't even register. One roll of bandages did bounce out of his arms and across the floor though. "I've got it all - bandages, dittany, laudanum." He was lightly out of breath from running across the house like a madman.
Fortunately for Lou's gaping wounds, Theo was also just about smart enough to recognize that arguing with his father would waste even more time that he might not even have. He stepped away from the door, flung it open, and ran for his father's workroom as instructed.
Two bottles of dittany essence, a roll of bandages, laudanum. Two bottles of dittany, a roll of bandages, laudanum. The words repeated in his mind like a mantra staving off his fear. The thought of apparating to the workroom did occur to him but he held back at the terrified thought of being too frantic to not splinch himself thus ruining Lou's chances and maybe even killing himself too in the process. If it didn't kill him, he'd certainly have wished it had. Two dittany, bandages, laudanum.
He hurled himself into the work room and with a shaky hand, got to summoning the objects. He retrieved the dittany essence first, taking a third bottle just in case, then summoned bandages and found himself bombarded by probably every bandage in the room. He collected about five rolls in his panic, and then almost forgot the laudanum. Thankfully, he didn't forget it, although he only had enough space to carry one bottle so he couldn't overcompensate on that one.
What he hoped was only a minute or two later, Theo barged back into his father's study and nearly dropped everything on the floor in his immense relief. Thankfully, he didn't but he did throw himself rather roughly at the floor next to Lou in a move that would probably leave a bruise on his tailbone for the next week or so but that didn't even register. One roll of bandages did bounce out of his arms and across the floor though. "I've got it all - bandages, dittany, laudanum." He was lightly out of breath from running across the house like a madman.