His father apparated him away almost as abruptly as he'd apparated Lou away earlier, although with significantly less bodily damage which is to say none at all. Now that they were back at the house, Theo wasted no time in heading for his father's study. In his head, his brain was presenting him with taunting scenarios he might find upon opening the door. Maybe Lou would be gone, nothing left of him to find but blood stains and he'd never figure out where he'd gone to before it was probably too late either to stop him from bleeding to death or to stop him from turning himself in still. The worst, however, was the though that they'd walk in and find him dead. How could he possibly live with himself knowing he'd caused his brother's death, his real death? A werewolf couldn't kill him but his stupid little brother could? It just wouldn't be right.
"I left him in your study," he began, his voice cracking a little. He was now walking so fast it was almost a run. "He wanted to hand himself in to the Ministry, I couldn't let him do that but he was insisting, I- I don't know why I couldn't just sidelong apparate like a normal person, I'm an Auror for fucks sake, Dad!" If anyone thought he looked and sounded close to tears, it would be an accurate assessment.
Finally, he reached the door and was so agitated trying to turn the handle that he was about ready to try ripping the door clean off its hinges. Not that he would have actually succeeded in doing so with just brute strength. "Lou?"
"I left him in your study," he began, his voice cracking a little. He was now walking so fast it was almost a run. "He wanted to hand himself in to the Ministry, I couldn't let him do that but he was insisting, I- I don't know why I couldn't just sidelong apparate like a normal person, I'm an Auror for fucks sake, Dad!" If anyone thought he looked and sounded close to tears, it would be an accurate assessment.
Finally, he reached the door and was so agitated trying to turn the handle that he was about ready to try ripping the door clean off its hinges. Not that he would have actually succeeded in doing so with just brute strength. "Lou?"