Any lingering doubt he might have had about her state of mind went flying out of the window and Enoch glared at her with contempt the likes of which he wasn’t sure he had felt for another person in a good long while. Even those silly bitches at the lake last year had been mostly harmless, if annoying, but this cat would be lucky if she didn’t end up on the wrong end of a jinx.
Pulling his wand from his pocket he contemplated the many things he could do with her and quite how much she would deserve them. He had been freeing them both after it became abundantly clear she would not let him do it the easy way and what did he have to show for it? A dull, thudding pain that was unlikely to go away even with the expert administrations of the Painted Lady’s finest, a night of debauchery before he spent the day with his family ruined, and a fucking quill in the neck.
“Go now,” he spat on the floor, eyes dark and sharp as curses came into his mind. She would deserve it. Nobody would blame him. He was the heir of the Rosiers and an auror to boot, who the fuck was she? “Before I change my mind,” he snarled. “And pray you never see me again.”
![[Image: SJUIcj7.png]](
Indecently attractive set by MJ