I must admit I was hoping I'd hear from you sooner rather than later. I was torn whether I should go down to the Post Office and send you an owl or to wait. I didn't want to bother you or to pressure you in any way. I'm happy, though, that you have written. And I must say.. it was nice to read your letter.
I'd never have though you silly or weak. Honestly, I think you're very strong for being able to admit such things and to yourself and not just me. I of course, however, love hearing it from you. I'm sure you can imagine the blush on my cheeks when I read through your letter. I'm surely blushing now just thinking of it all.
But please, don't be sorry and don't beat yourself up over it. I think, no matter how much it may have pained us both, it was for the best. It has clearly made a difference for the both of us. I don't think there's anything that can stop us from our future now.
And I would love to see you soon. My mother has been hinting about having you over for dinner again sometime soon. I'll see what I can get figured out with her then I'll let you know..
I love you, Charlie.
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