The cord in her hand tensed, tugged, and then she was no longer alone. Themis registered her sudden company with a smirk. Of course the other woman moved through this world like a specter. Funnily, the changed appearance of her colleague was readily accepted by her mind. There was no shock; no fear at the other woman’s appearance. All Themis felt was curiosity and wonder at this newest revelation. Morrigan’s magic was different here; more fluid in ways Themis couldn’t understand or give words. Her magic also felt different. This was not the sensation of Themis’ magic, the heat of Samuel, or the heavy pull and pulse of blood magic. This buzzed; if there was a better word for it, Themis was at a loss. This felt different, more cerebral somehow. She would ask her host about this if she remembered in her waking state.
Themis considered the third eye and the hair that seemed suspended in water she was free of. It only solidified that Morrigan Crowley operated on her own frequency. Themis considered briefly that it was unfair that she lacked some etherial dream modification, but the thought was gone before it was fully formed. "There are layers to this, then. Some levels to this dream world." Themis pondered, seeking logic in her dreams.
As she watched Morrigan, she felt a strange sense of dichotomy between them. The magic that danced around Professor Crowley teased and suggested that there was something playful, almost mischievous, to the energy. It felt infinitely lighter than the magic she had waded into, but 'light' was still incorrect. This wasn't lightness so much as weightlessness. In the waking world, drawing the line between those bound to the heavens and those to the earth was simple enough, or so Themis believed. Though grounded in her way, she had always counted herself among the stars. She existed between, but near, close enough to her beloved stars that she belonged. This was her reality, but reality had a way of shifting. She had never felt more certain of gravity and less of its power than when she experienced Alchemy. When experimenting with the elements, Themis climbed higher and dared bravely. Blood magic had nearly killed her, as much as she savored the sensation. While both were dangerous, one had felt natural to her. While far more intoxicating, blood magic was foreign to her and pickled every good sense to stay away. She hadn't listened then and had no intention of walking away now, but she walked cautiously.
Almost forgetting the purpose of this venture, Themis took a moment too long to remember her scar. Who could think of scars when conversing with the third eye of a woman that already seemed to see too much? There were no buttons to navigate in this world as the soft fabric of her nightgown disappeared from her forearms. Fabric and clothing were artifice, and disintegrated with a thought. If only the waking world was so malleable.
Themis' eyes narrowed, trying to assign meaning to what she saw. Curiosity erasing concern, Themis offered her left arm and scar for evaluation. "I don't know what this means."
Themis considered the third eye and the hair that seemed suspended in water she was free of. It only solidified that Morrigan Crowley operated on her own frequency. Themis considered briefly that it was unfair that she lacked some etherial dream modification, but the thought was gone before it was fully formed. "There are layers to this, then. Some levels to this dream world." Themis pondered, seeking logic in her dreams.
As she watched Morrigan, she felt a strange sense of dichotomy between them. The magic that danced around Professor Crowley teased and suggested that there was something playful, almost mischievous, to the energy. It felt infinitely lighter than the magic she had waded into, but 'light' was still incorrect. This wasn't lightness so much as weightlessness. In the waking world, drawing the line between those bound to the heavens and those to the earth was simple enough, or so Themis believed. Though grounded in her way, she had always counted herself among the stars. She existed between, but near, close enough to her beloved stars that she belonged. This was her reality, but reality had a way of shifting. She had never felt more certain of gravity and less of its power than when she experienced Alchemy. When experimenting with the elements, Themis climbed higher and dared bravely. Blood magic had nearly killed her, as much as she savored the sensation. While both were dangerous, one had felt natural to her. While far more intoxicating, blood magic was foreign to her and pickled every good sense to stay away. She hadn't listened then and had no intention of walking away now, but she walked cautiously.
Almost forgetting the purpose of this venture, Themis took a moment too long to remember her scar. Who could think of scars when conversing with the third eye of a woman that already seemed to see too much? There were no buttons to navigate in this world as the soft fabric of her nightgown disappeared from her forearms. Fabric and clothing were artifice, and disintegrated with a thought. If only the waking world was so malleable.
Themis' eyes narrowed, trying to assign meaning to what she saw. Curiosity erasing concern, Themis offered her left arm and scar for evaluation. "I don't know what this means."