Jimmy had always been pleased to take a punt on seeing what happened, generally, and poking any theoretical bears about, and while dying in a Herbology greenhouse with only Cadogan Glynn for company was hardly the dream end, being strangled (and possibly consumed) by a fiendish plant was still something to be proud of.
But in the interest of not dying, Jimmy decided to follow Glynn’s directions and not shake it off. He wasn’t sure how to do that, though – he had never been very good at sitting still, and now the pressure of trying to made the itch to move that much worse. He couldn’t do much with the forearm the Devil’s Snare had, but he was restlessly bouncing his knee.
Maybe it he tried to think about something so dull he wanted to fall asleep? With that thought in mind – “So are you going to keep Herbology for your NEWT classes?” he asked, with the careless energy of someone who had not stopped to consider any of the NEWT classes he would be taking, nor how he would have the means to return for a last two years after this.
But in the interest of not dying, Jimmy decided to follow Glynn’s directions and not shake it off. He wasn’t sure how to do that, though – he had never been very good at sitting still, and now the pressure of trying to made the itch to move that much worse. He couldn’t do much with the forearm the Devil’s Snare had, but he was restlessly bouncing his knee.
Maybe it he tried to think about something so dull he wanted to fall asleep? With that thought in mind – “So are you going to keep Herbology for your NEWT classes?” he asked, with the careless energy of someone who had not stopped to consider any of the NEWT classes he would be taking, nor how he would have the means to return for a last two years after this.