The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes--
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
In contrast to all of her blushing, she now blanched at gazed at him as though he had utterly baffled her. Which he had. She opened her mouth once, twice, thrice and closed it as many times before she found a response. I- I could not say, sir. She very much hoped that by the next time she visited Porphyria, her brother would have forgotten his interest. The very notion of having to battle her way through another interaction with him whilst Porphyria watched her make a fool of herself was more than she could bear to imagine.
Something belatedly twigged in the back of her head that she realized was both important and might save her. I should mention, sir, it is Mrs. Malfoy, not Miss. She could not have corrected him in a more apologetic manner if she'd tried.
Outfit | Tag: Don Juan Dempsey | Notes: