When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?
How can we rewrite the stars?
Hesper felt oddly ill at ease patrolling with him and had done since he'd suggested it. She couldn't remember the last time they'd had been alone, not for as long as they would be this evening. Why didn't he go with Flora? She tried to force it all to the back of her head albeit with mixed success.
'The end' makes it sound very ominous. And final. It also had the unpleasant side effect of making her confront the reality that this time next year he'd be a million miles away, figuratively speaking. At least when they parted this time she'd know it was the last time she'd see him. Not that she wouldn't ever see him again but it was probable that they would have a very different relationship, more distant. You should hunt down as many of the castle's secret rooms as you can. Imagine if you found the Chamber of Secrets. I reckon if anyone could get in there, after an all but imperceptible micro pause, you could.
Outfit | Tag: Sirius Black | Notes: