No, you wouldn't have, Ford thought with some venom, but it wasn't worth saying. It was easy to say with the benefit of hindsight that Noble would have done everything differently, but they'd been in it together at the beginning and Noble hadn't been offering any grand solutions then.
"Great," Ford said in a clipped tone. He pushed himself off the back of chair, preparing to leave — Noble wasn't going to give him what he was looking for from this conversation, and it had been stupid to let him pick the fight in the first place. "You can hold on to that moral superiority when you're passing out drunk at six o'clock in the evening."
"Great," Ford said in a clipped tone. He pushed himself off the back of chair, preparing to leave — Noble wasn't going to give him what he was looking for from this conversation, and it had been stupid to let him pick the fight in the first place. "You can hold on to that moral superiority when you're passing out drunk at six o'clock in the evening."

Set by Lady!