The door locking behind him gave his decision to come here an eerie sense of finality. He carefully took a few steps into her domain, then stopped. She stood across the room from him, a chair between them, her piercing blue eyes ablaze. He could hold their gaze now. Her anger being out in the open was a relief. He felt that it was just. He deserved that.
"I take whatever comes my way, from you," he said, and he stood very still in this room of hers, straighter than before. He was slightly queasy, but the dinner at least put his body out of the stress of immediate starvation. Every modicum of strength he could gather, he was likely to need.
"I take whatever comes my way, from you," he said, and he stood very still in this room of hers, straighter than before. He was slightly queasy, but the dinner at least put his body out of the stress of immediate starvation. Every modicum of strength he could gather, he was likely to need.